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There are three separate books on physics, chemistry and mathematics; the main objective of this series is to strengthen the fundamental concepts and prepare.
Jee main paper-i will comprise a total of 90 questions with each section carrying 30 objective type.
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Saini daily practice problems jee main and advanced: chemistry objective chemistry for jee chemistry for jee (main) and other engineering entrance.
Pradeep publications jalandhar objective chemistry for jee (main) jee ( advanced) 2015 and other competitive examinations 2015.
Jee main sample papers for the year 2021 have been provided here to help students prepare and practice effectively for the entrance exam. The sample question papers contain mostly numerical value type questions for physics, chemistry, and maths. Students will find a collection of jee main sample papers along with its answer key and solutions.
Jee main 2018 - chemistry; jee main 2018 - maths; jee main 2017 question paper. Jee main 2017 - physics; objective biology – dinesh: biology by pradeep’s.
Jee main physics optics previous year questions with solutions. For jee main other engineering entrance exam preparation, jee main physics optics previous year questions with solutions is given below. When a ray of light enters a glass slab from air [1980-1 mark] a) its wavelength decreases.
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Objective chemistry for jee (class xii), a cengage learning exam crack series ™ title, is designed to serve the requirements of jee aspirants in the best.
Surface chemistry + metallurgy + real gas + chem in every day – 12 marks; jee mains 2020 chemistry marking scheme / exam pattern. 20 objective questions having 4 options each with only 1 correct option 5 numerical questions with numerical value as answer.
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